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Article 1 .                      Interpretation

The terms used in these Personal Data Protection Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) have the following meanings:

1.       Website: means under the management and use of ROX Living Joint Stock Company.

2.        Data Recipient: ROX Living Joint Stock Company.

3.       Data Provider: is the individual(s) or organization that provides personal data to the Data Recipient.

4.       Data Subject[1]: means the individual whose Personal Data reflects.

5.       Personal Data[2]means personal data information displayed in the form of symbols, letters, numbers, images, sounds, or similar forms in the electronic medium that are associated with a particular person or that identify a particular person. Personal Data includes Basic Data and Sensitive Data. Personal Data includes the Data Provider's own personal data or the personal data of another individual who legally authorizes the Data Provider to comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

6.       Basic Data[3] includes: a) Surname, middle name, birth name, other names (if any); b) Date of birth; c) Gender; d) Permanent residence, temporary residence, current residence, hometown, contact address; dd) Nationality; e) Personal photo; g) Phone number, ID card number, personal identification number, passport number; h) Information about an individuals' digital accounts; Personal data reflecting activities and history of activities in cyberspace; i) Other information associated with a specific person or helping to identify a specific person that is not specified in Clause 6 of Article.

7.       Sensitive Data[4]means the Personal Data associated with an individual's privacy rights that, when violated, will directly affect the individual's legitimate rights and interests, including a) Political views, religious views; b) Health status and private life recorded in medical records, excluding information about blood type; c) Information related to racial origin and ethnic origin; d) Information about inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of individuals; d) Information about an individual's physical attributes and biological characteristics; e) Information about an individual's sex life and sexual orientation; g) Data on crimes and criminal acts collected and stored by law enforcement agencies; h) Customer identification information as prescribed by law, account information; i) Data on an individual's location determined through location services; k) Other personal data specified by law that are special and require necessary security measures.

8.       Processing Personal Data/ Processing of Personal Data[5]: means one or more activities affecting Personal Data, including but not limited to collection, recording, analysis, validation, storage, correction, disclosure, combination, access, retrieval, recover, encrypt, decrypt, copy, share, transmit, provide, transfer, delete, destroy personal data, or other related actions.

9.       Third Party: means an individual or organization outside of ROX Living Joint Stock Company and a Data Provider that is allowed to Process Personal Data in accordance with the law, including but not limited to (i) subsidiaries, member companies, affiliated companies of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, companies managed and operated by ROX Living Joint Stock Company, (ii) other third parties lawful or required by law, regulation, court order, other governmental action or request, or as required by ROX Living Joint Stock Company's internal policies for the purposes of Processing Personal Data set out in these Terms and Conditions.

10.   Transfer of Personal Data Abroad[6]: is the use of cyberspace, devices, electronic means, or other forms to transfer Personal Data to a location outside the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam or the use of a location outside the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for the processing of Personal Data, in case the individual is a Vietnamese citizen.

11.   Cookies: are small files placed on the User's device when he/she visits a website, they record information about the User's device, browser, and, in some cases, the User's preferences and browsing habits. During the User's use or access of the website, ROX Living Joint Stock Company may place one or more Cookies on the Data Subject's device to collect User Personal Data.

12.   To avoid misunderstandings, all terms "according to the provisions of law" and "according to the regulations of ROX Living Joint Stock Company" in these Terms and Conditions are understood to be the provisions from time to time.

13.   In these Terms and Conditions, a reference to a concept defined in this Article is understood to refer to one or more concepts and/or actions as described in each definition.

Article 2 .                      Principles of application

1.       These Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between the Data Provider and ROX Living Joint Stock Company regarding the provision of Personal Data, Processing of Personal Data and protection of Personal Data during the registration and transaction process with ROX Living Joint Stock Company including from the stage of access and registration to the maintenance, use, and termination of registration and transactions with ROX Living Joint Stock Company. These Terms and Conditions record the contents that are prerequisites for the Parties to establish and/or maintain registration and transactions.

2.       The Data Provider is responsible for carefully reading the content of these Terms and Conditions before signing and confirming whether or not to agree. The Data Provider's signing of Confirmation of Agreement is understood to mean that the Data Provider acknowledges that he/she has read, been fully and detailedly explained, and completely agrees with the content of these Terms and Conditions. In case the Data Provider does not sign to state his/her Consent, ROX Living Joint Stock Company will (i) refuse to provide products, services, and utilities of the website and/or (ii) have the right to decide to unilaterally terminate the service(s), products, and utilities of the website being performed with the Data Provider.

3.       These Terms and Conditions, from the date of entry into force, constitute a unified, indivisible agreement and have the same legal value as the contract(s), written agreement that ROX Living Joint Stock Company has, is, and will enter into with the Data Provider (if any) related to registration and transactions. At the same time, these Terms and Conditions are also a legal notice from ROX Living Joint Stock Company regarding the Processing of Personal Data as required by law without sending any further notice to the Data Subject.

4.       These Terms and Conditions may be amended, supplemented, or replaced from time to time to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations of ROX Living Joint Stock Company. Contents that amend, supplement, or replace these Terms and Conditions will be made into an agreement in a legal form as proactively decided by ROX Living Joint Stock Company, including but not limited to any form of paper agreement, electronic terms and conditions, phone messages, and/or other legal forms. The Data Provider is responsible for expressing clear and specific consent at the request of ROX Living Joint Stock Company depending on the form of agreement, including but not limited to signing, checking Agree, agreeing via phone message, or other legal action. References to the Terms and Conditions are understood to include all amended, supplemented, or replaced documents/agreements mentioned above.

For clarity, the contents that amend, supplement, or replace these Terms and Conditions are also prerequisites or necessary conditions so that the Data Provider can establish and continue to maintain registration, transactions, and use of products and services of ROX Living Joint Stock Company; in the event that the Data Provider does not express his/her Consent stated in this Clause with the corresponding contents, ROX Living Joint Stock Company will have the right to consider and decide to apply measures (i) and/or (ii) as specified in Clause 2 of this Article.

5.       The Data Provider agrees that these Terms and Conditions are entered into by the Parties purely on a voluntary basis, not forced, and that at the same time, the content and form of these Terms and Conditions are clear, transparent, and in accordance with the provisions of law.

6.       In case there is any conflict regarding the Processing of Personal Data and Personal Data protection between these Terms and the contract(s), written agreement that ROX Living Joint Stock Company has entered into with the Data Provider and/or Data Subject, the content of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

Article 3 .                      The Data Provider's Commitments

By these Terms and Conditions, the Data Provider commits to:

1.      Agreeing to allow ROX Living Joint Stock Company to carry out one or more Personal Data Processing activities at the same time (including but not limited to collecting, recording, analyzing, validating, storing, editing, publishing, combining, accessing, retrieving, encoding, decoding, copying, dividing, sharing, transmitting, providing, transferring, deleting, destroying personal data, or other related actions), specifically:

a)        Processed Personal Data includes all Basic Data and Sensitive Data that ROX Living Joint Stock Company lawfully collects from any information source, including but not limited to the data that (i) The Data Provider declares, provides or discloses to ROX Living Joint Stock Company in any form and through any registration, transaction, action taken between the Joint Stock Company ROX Group and Data Provider, (ii) are purchased from organizations and individuals that store and trade personal information as permitted by law, (iii) are collected from public information sources, (iv) are proceeds from partners of ROX Living Joint Stock Company during the implementation of business activities including but not limited to service providers, Third Parties carrying out survey activities monitoring, marketing; (v) are obtained from any third party related to the Data Provider/Data Subject, including but not limited to employers, employees, shareholders, account co-owners, partners of the Data Provider/Data Subject; (vi) are obtained from audio and video recording activities that ROX Living Joint Stock Company is authorized to carry out in accordance with according to legal regulations or for purposes related to the conduct of business activities of ROX Living Joint Stock Company; (vii) are obtained from Cookies on the website; and (viii) are obtained from appropriate competent state agencies according to the law.

Personal Data may have been collected by ROX Living Joint Stock Company before or will be collected after the effective date of these Terms and Conditions. The processed Personal Data may be directly or indirectly related to the purposes of Processing Personal Data stated in Point (b) of this Clause;

b)       The Processing of Personal Data serves the purpose of maintaining, providing and/or establishing registration(s), transactions between ROX Living Joint Stock Company and the Data Provider, including but not limited to (i) research, evaluation, and analysis of information by ROX Living Joint Stock Company or a Third Party legally authorized/outsourced by ROX Living Joint Stock Company to enhance experience, measure needs, aim to improve service quality, remove difficulties and obstacles, and handle technical problems and system errors and any other work related to carrying out registrations, transactions, whether such registrations, transactions have been, are being or will be carried out with the Data Provider; (ii) provision and exchange of internal and external information of ROX Living Joint Stock Company related to risk management, compliance, control, dispute resolution, complaints, support, and reporting of ROX Living Joint Stock Company; (iii) meeting internal regulations and policies of ROX Living Joint Stock Company; (iv) marketing, introducing, and advertising products and services of ROX Living Joint Stock Company to Data Providers; and (v) any other purpose appropriate/or and required by law.

In addition, the Data Provider agrees that the Processing of Personal Data may be carried out to serve a number of purposes that do not depend on being related to maintenance or provision and/or towards establishing registration(s), transactions between ROX Living Joint Stock Company and the Data Provider, including but not limited to (vi) taking necessary actions in accordance with the law to fulfill ROX Living Joint Stock Company's obligations to competent state agencies or comply with the provisions of law, instructions, directives or requirements issued by these agencies; (vii) implementation and compliance with agreements and contracts of ROX Living Joint Stock Company with Third Parties and or any partners or parties having transaction relationships with ROX Living Joint Stock Company; (viii) detection, prevention and investigation of crimes or any violations of fraud, prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing, corruption or tax evasion.

The Data Provider has been given a clear explanation and understanding that the Processing of Personal Data may be applied simultaneously for multiple purposes. The purpose(s) not listed in detail (if any) but within the scope covered under the provisions of this Point and these Terms and Conditions are acknowledged by the Data Provider as a legitimate purpose and meet the conditions of the Data Provider's consent according to the law;

c)        The Processing of Personal Data may be performed directly by ROX Living Joint Stock Company or through a legal Third Party according to the laws and regulations of ROX Living Joint Stock Company. ROX Living Joint Stock Company has the right to proactively choose a Third Party and/or negotiate and sign contracts and agreements regarding the Processing of Personal Data without any further consent from the Data Provider. The Data Provider agrees that the Third Party has the rights and obligations within the respective scope of ROX Living Joint Stock Company as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and in accordance with the law;

d)       The Data Provider agrees to irrevocable and unconditional authorization for ROX Living Joint Stock Company to carry out necessary procedures (if any) on behalf of the Data Provider in case of Processing Personal Data through a Third Party as prescribed in Clause (c) of this Article, including but not limited to signing documents and sending notices confirming the Data Provider's consent to Data Processing to the Third Party;

e)        Consent for ROX Living Joint Stock Company to proactively decide on the forms of Personal Data Processing to achieve the purposes stated in Point (b) of this Clause to achieve maximum efficiency, including but not limited to automated processing of Personal Data carried out by electronic means to evaluate, analyze, and predict the performance of Data Subjects such as habits, preferences, trust levels, behavior, location, tendencies, abilities, and other related factors; and/or transfer of Personal Data abroad by ROX Living Joint Stock Company directly or through a Third Party, in accordance with the laws and agreements in these Terms and Conditions.

2.        Having been explained clearly and in detail by ROX Living Joint Stock Company and the Data Provider is fully aware that the Processing of Personal Data by ROX Living Joint Stock Company and/or Third Parties before the effective date of these Terms and Conditions (if any) are in accordance with the law, no dispute and the Data Provider agrees to waive all rights of complaint or lawsuit against ROX Living Joint Stock Company (if any), at the same time, exempting ROX Living Joint Stock Company from all responsibility relating to any disputes or problems arising in connection with the Processing of Personal Data described in this Clause (if any) after the effective date of these Terms and Conditions.

3.        To the best of his/her ability, he/she will always proactively update the amended, supplemented, or replaced contents of these Terms and Conditions from time to time according to the methods stated in them. The Data Provider's failure to properly and fully comply with the deadline and method of confirmation request of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, regardless of any reason, means that the Data Provider does not agree with such amendments, supplements, or replacements, and ROX Living Joint Stock Company has the right to take appropriate measures as stated in the Terms and Conditions. To clarify, amending, supplementing, or replacing these Terms and Conditions to comply with legal regulations or at the request of a competent state agency shall take effect immediately without the consent of the Data Provider.

4.        Agreeing that the Processing of Personal Data will take effect from the moment Personal Data is collected by ROX Living Joint Stock Company (including Personal Data that ROX Living Joint Stock Company has collected before the effective date of these Terms and Conditions (if any)) until (i) ROX Living Joint Stock Company and/or Third Parties terminate, restrict Processing of Personal Data and/or delete Personal Data according to the term, scope of use and other contents requested by the Data Provider specified in these Terms and Conditions, or (ii) when a competent state agency has a written request to terminate the Processing of Personal Data, or (iii) other cases of termination in accordance with the law, whichever comes first.

5.        Fully aware, clear, and agreed that Personal Data may be processed at any time without any further consent of the Data Provider. ROX Living Joint Stock Company has the right but is not obligated to send notice of Personal Data Processing to Data Providers, including in the case of Sensitive Data processing. The Data Provider agrees that these Terms and Conditions have full legal value and are complete, containing all information as a legal notice of Data Processing that ROX Living Joint Stock Company has sent to the Data Provider.

6.        Having been fully and clearly explained and understood by ROX Living Joint Stock Company although ROX Living Joint Stock Company has applied the necessary safety measures as committed in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 4 of these Terms and Conditions, during the Personal Data Processing process, events and actions may still occur that are beyond the reasonable control of ROX Living Joint Stock Company and may lead to unwanted consequences and damages for the Data Provider, including but not limited to force majeure events, system problems, technical infrastructure of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, or arising due to Third Party errors. The Data Provider is clearly aware of the potential risks, consequences, and responsibilities of the relevant Parties when incidents or violations occur as specified in these Terms and Conditions.

7.       Understanding and agreeing to all risks and legal consequences arising from any Data Subject being declared by the Data Provider, providing ROX Living Joint Stock Company to exercise the Data Subject's rights stated in Article 5 of these Terms and Conditions.

8.       Being responsible and ensuring that the Personal Data that the Data Provider declares and provides to ROX Living Joint Stock Company during the transaction process is complete and accurate.

9.       For Personal Data declared and provided to ROX Living Joint Stock Company that is not the Data Provider's own Personal Data, the Data Provider commits that at the time of declaration and provision, he/she has met all necessary conditions as prescribed by law so that ROX Living Joint Stock Company can carry out the Processing of Personal Data activities stated in these Terms and Conditions without having to take any further action, including but not limited to (i) obtaining the full and legal consent required by law of the individual whose Personal Data reflects, (ii) authorized or legally represented according to the provisions of law, (iii) Personal Data related to children 7 years of age and older must have the consent of the child and the consent of the parent or guardian as prescribed, unless otherwise provided by law; (iv) Personal Data related to a person declared missing or deceased must be approved by the spouse, adult child or parent of the individual whose Personal Data is reflected, except in cases where The law provides otherwise. At the same time, the Data Provider commits to being responsible for all consequences caused by the Data Provider's failure to meet any of the necessary conditions stated in this Clause.

10.    Fully understanding and agreeing that ROX Living Joint Stock Company has the right to refuse one or multiple requests to exercise the rights of the Data Provider/Data Subject according to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions when the requests do not meet the eligibility conditions of ROX Living Joint Stock Company and/or ROX Living Joint Stock Company detects any fraud or violation of law or may lead to a violation of law arising from the request of the Data Provider/Data Subject according to the reasonable assessment of ROX Living Joint Stock Company. In addition to the provisions mentioned in these Terms and Conditions, ROX Living Joint Stock Company also has the right to refuse to comply with the requests of the Data Provider/Data Subject in case ROX Living Joint Stock Company is exempted from the obligation to exercise the above-mentioned rights according to the provisions of law.

11.    Being responsible for notifying the Data Subject about the contents of these Terms and Conditions if the Data Subject is not also the Data Provider.

12.    Creating all necessary and possible conditions for (i) ROX Living Joint Stock Company to check the Data Provider's implementation and compliance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions; and/or (ii) support ROX Living Joint Stock Company to carry out necessary actions and obligations according to legal regulations (including but not limited to providing information for ROX Living Joint Stock Company to complete reports to submit to competent state agencies), when requested by ROX Living Joint Stock Company.

13.    Correctly and fully exercising other rights of the Data Provider in accordance with the law and in accordance with the agreement with ROX Living Joint Stock Company in these Terms and Conditions.

Article 4 .                    Commitments of ROX Living Joint Stock Company

By these Terms and Conditions, ROX Living Joint Stock Company commits to:

1.      Notifying and seeking the Data Provider's consent before Processing Personal Data in cases that are not within the scope of regulation and are not specified in these Terms and Conditions. ROX Living Joint Stock Company is not required to notify and seek consent from the Data Provider when Processing Personal Data in the following case(s):

a)        for the purpose of protecting the life and health of Data Subjects or other individuals; or

b)        for the purpose of disclosing Personal Data in accordance with the law; or

c)        at the request of a competent state agency in the event of an emergency regarding national defense, national security, social order and safety, major disasters, or dangerous epidemics; or when there is a threat to national security and defense but not to the extent of declaring a state of emergency; or to prevent and combat riots, terrorism, crime, and law violations according to legal regulations; or

d)        for the purpose of performing obligations under contracts and agreements between Data Subjects and relevant agencies, organizations and individuals according to law or at the request of a competent state agency; or

e)        for the purpose of supporting state agency activities as outlined in specific laws.

2.       Within the reasonable capacity of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, apply appropriate organizational and technical measures and storage measures to ensure safety and security to protect Personal Data from unauthorized collection of Personal Data without the consent of the Data Provider and prevent loss, destruction, or damage due to problems related to the systems and equipment used to carry out registration and transactions for ROX Living Joint Stock Company and maintain these measures throughout the Personal Data Processing process.

3.        Requiring the Third Party to sign contracts and written agreements with ROX Living Joint Stock Company regarding the Processing of Personal Data undertakes and performs the obligations of the Controller, the appropriate Data Processor as required by law, including but not limited to applying appropriate storage measures, measures to protect Personal Data from unauthorized collection from Third Party systems and equipment; promptly notify ROX Living Joint Stock Company and/or competent state agencies when detecting violations of Personal Data protection regulations according to the law and applying corrective measures; delete and return all Personal Data to ROX Living Joint Stock Company after the end of the contract or written agreement on Personal Data Processing.

4.        Correctly and fully implementing other rights of ROX Living Joint Stock Company according to the provisions of law and in accordance with the agreement with the Data Provider in these Terms and Conditions.

Article 5 .                    Withdrawal of Consent, Restriction and Objection to Processing of Personal Data, Erasure of Personal Data

1.      After signing and confirming the Agreement to these Terms and Conditions, during the registration and transaction process with ROX Living Joint Stock Company, the Data Subject has the right to withdraw consent, request restriction, object to Processing of Personal Data and/or request deletion of Personal Data. ROX Living Joint Stock Company will carry out the necessary procedures to terminate, limit Personal Data Processing and/or delete Personal Data according to the deadline, scope, and other contents requested by the Data Subject after the Data Subject has properly and fully implemented the procedures to initiate a valid request as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.

2.      A request to withdraw consent, request restriction, object to Processing of Personal Data and/or a request to delete Personal Data is considered valid when it is carried out in accordance with the order and procedures, meets all conditions specified in the regulations on receipt and processing of requests of ROX Living Joint Stock Company listed on the website or notified and instructed by ROX Living Joint Stock Company in other ways from time to time, and meets the following conditions:

a)        Made by the Data Subject himself/herself without any representation or authorization of any kind, except for cases where the law requires it to be done through a representative or authorization;

b)       Request to withdraw consent, request restriction, object to Processing of Personal Data, and/or deletion of Personal Data not applicable, unless otherwise prescribed by law, when one or all of the following cases occur simultaneously: (i) the law does not permit withdrawal of consent, request for restriction, objection to Processing of Personal Data and/or deletion of Personal Data; (ii) Personal Data Processing is carried out by a competent state agency for the purpose of serving the activities of the state agency in accordance with the law; (iii) Personal Data has been made public in accordance with the law; (iv) Personal Data Processing is carried out to serve legal requirements, scientific research, and statistics in accordance with the law; (v) in the event of an emergency regarding national defense, national security, social order and safety, major disasters, dangerous epidemics, when there is a threat to security and national defense but not to the level of declaring a state of emergency, preventing and combating riots, terrorism, preventing and combating crime and violating the law; (vi) responding to an emergency situation that threatens the life, health or safety of a Data Subject or another individual; (v) cases in which ROX Living Joint Stock Company cannot fulfill the Data Subject's requests for any reason, including but not limited to cases where the technology system or infrastructure of ROX Living Joint Stock Company does not allow it or if, according to the reasonable assessment of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, fulfilling the Data Subject's request will or may cause harm and/or may affect the ability of ROX Living Joint Stock Company to operate continuously, seamlessly, without interruption.

c)        The Data Subject clearly understands and agrees to be responsible for all consequences and damages that may occur due to withdrawing consent, implementing restriction requests, or objecting to the Processing of Personal Data and/or deletion of Personal Data (if any).

Complete full and timely payment of all fees and expenses related to implementing the request to withdraw consent, request to restrict, object to Personal Data Processing and/or delete Personal Data according to the fee schedule and payment instructions posted on the website.

3.        ROX Living Joint Stock Company has the right to refuse to comply with all Data Subject requests if the request does not meet the validity conditions as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.

4.        In case of a request to meet the conditions prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, ROX Living Joint Stock Company will carry out the necessary procedures to terminate, restrict Processing of Personal Data and/or delete Personal Data in due course, scope, and other contents requested by the Data Subject within 72 (seventy-two) hours from the time the Data Subject submits a valid request.

5.        Withdrawal of consent, request for restriction, objection to Processing of Personal Data and/or request for deletion of Personal Data does not affect the lawfulness of the Processing of Personal Data carried out by ROX Living Joint Stock Company and/or Third Parties before ROX Living Joint Stock Company and/or the Third Party completes the termination, restriction of Personal Data Processing and/or deletion of Personal Data as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article.

6.        Before implementing and completing the required procedures as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, the Data Subject is responsible for researching, understanding, and being aware of the legal consequences and responsibilities of the Data Subject and the corresponding rights of ROX Living Joint Stock Company may occur when the Data Subject exercises the rights, specifically:

a)       The Data Subject's one or simultaneous actions to withdraw consent, request restriction, object to part or all of the Processing of Personal Data and/or delete Personal Data may lead to one or the same legal consequences and/or damages that ROX Living Joint Stock Company must suffer or potentially suffer, including but not limited to:

(i)      ROX Living Joint Stock Company violates the law if it continues to maintain, register, and transact with Data Providers/Data Subjects;

(ii)    ROX Living Joint Stock Company violates the contract or written agreement on Personal Data Processing entered into with a Third Party;

(iii)  ROX Living Joint Stock Company must suffer economic damage, whether directly or indirectly, stemming from (x) violations of legal regulations stated in Section (i), and/or (y) having to pay compensation for damages, penalties for violation and/or termination of the contract, written agreement in case of breach of contract, written agreement mentioned in Section (ii), and/or (z) having to pay compensation for damages, penalties for violation and/or termination of the contract, written agreement in case of breach of contract, written agreement with any other individual or organization to perform contracts, written agreement with the Third Party, and/or (w) incurring damages upon termination of registration and transactions with the Data Provider when ROX Living Joint Stock Company exercises the rights mentioned in Point (b) of this Clause.

b)       If, according to the reasonable assessment of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, there may be potential legal consequences and/or damages specified in Point (a) of this Clause, ROX Living Joint Stock Company has the right to consider and decide to unilaterally terminate one or all registrations and transactions with Data Providers/Data Subjects, at the same time or immediately after the completion of termination, restriction of Personal Data Processing and/or deletion of Personal Data as prescribed in Clause 4 of this Article.

Article 6 .                      Provision of Personal Data

1.        The Data Subject or another person legally authorized by the Data Subject has the right to request, and ROX Living Joint Stock Company commits to providing the Data Subject's Personal Data when the correct and complete procedures have been followed to initiate a valid request according to the regulations on receiving and processing requests of ROX Living Joint Stock Company listed on the website or notified and instructed by ROX Living Joint Stock Company in other ways from time to time.

2.        ROX Living Joint Stock Company provides Personal Data of Data Subjects within 72 (seventy-two) hours after receiving a valid request as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, unless otherwise provided by law.

3.        ROX Living Joint Stock Company does not provide Personal Data as prescribed in this Article in cases where Personal Data risks occurring in one of the following cases:

a)        The law does not allow the provision of Personal Data;

b)       It may threaten the life, health or safety of other individuals;

c)        It may cause harm to national defense, national security, social order and safety;

d)       The Data Subject does not agree to provide, authorize or authorize the receipt of Personal Data.

Article 7 .                    Correction of Personal Data

1.      The Data Subject:

a)        Has access to view and edit his/her Personal Data after the Data Processing has been performed by ROX Living Joint Stock Company, unless otherwise prescribed by law;

b)       In case direct editing is not possible for technical or other reasons, the Data Subject requests ROX Living Joint Stock Company to edit his/her Personal Data.

2.      ROX Living Joint Stock Company corrects the Data Subject's Personal Data after obtaining the Data Subject's consent as soon as possible or as required by law. In case this cannot be done, ROX Living Joint Stock Company will notify the Data Subject after 72 (seventy-two) hours of receiving the request to correct personal data.

Article 8 .                    Termination of Transaction

1.        In case the Data Provider/Data Subject takes actions that lead to ROX Living Joint Stock Company deciding to terminate one or all registrations and transactions with the Data Provider/Data Subject Data Entity as specified in these Terms and Conditions, the Data Provider/Data Subject agrees and acknowledges that it is a cross-infringement event that gives ROX Living Joint Stock Company the right to unilaterally terminate the contract(s), corresponding service provision agreement, registration, and transaction signed and concluded with the Data Provider/Data Subject, regardless of whether those contracts or agreements mention that event of violation or not.

2.        Consequences of ROX Living Joint Stock Company unilaterally terminating registrations and transactions performed according to the provisions of the corresponding contract(s) and agreement that ROX Living Joint Stock Company has signed and entered into with the Data Provider/Data Subject.

Article 9 .                      Notification

1.        ROX Living Joint Stock Company is responsible for notifying the Data Provider of the contents as agreed in these Terms and Conditions according to the method and address registered by the Data Provider with ROX Living Joint Stock Company and in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

2.        The Data Provider is responsible for notifying ROX Living Joint Stock Company of the contents agreed upon in these Terms and Conditions through methods, contacts, and within the time limit prescribed by ROX Living Joint Stock Company. For notification by methods other than in writing, the Data Provider acknowledges that it will send additional written notice according to the regulations of ROX Living Joint Stock Company if requested by ROX Living Joint Stock Company.

3.        A notification is considered successfully sent when it:

 a)     is sent directly to the recipient/the recipient's representative and has confirmation from the recipient/the recipient's representative; or

 b)    is sent by registered postal service as confirmed by the postal authority; or

 c)     is listed, posted, and displayed successfully on the website, etc., or other electronic transaction methods do not include the cases specified in Point (d) of this Clause;

 d)    is notified that the notification has been sent successfully if the notification is sent via email, mobile subscriber messages, Zalo or other forms of notification (if any) to the Data Provider.

Article 10 .                Indemnity

ROX Living Joint Stock Company is exempt from any liability, including the responsibility to pay compensation, reimbursement or any related costs for damages and losses of the Data Provider arising due to:

1.      The Data Provider

 a)     for any reason, does not receive or access the notification(s) successfully sent by ROX Living Joint Stock Company, including but not limited to cases caused by mobile devices and software on mobile devices; the Data Provider does not promptly and fully update the changed content of these Terms and Conditions through the methods ROX Living Joint Stock Company has chosen to announce and list;

 b)    through any form, including but not limited to accessing other websites, applications, or services that ROX Living Joint Stock Company cooperates with or has a relationship with, ROX Living Joint Stock Company is absolutely not responsible in case the Data Provider does not comply with the terms and conditions of use of those websites, applications, or services, leading to damage or violations of the Data Provider, for any reason;

 c)     must suffer damages arising directly from errors or violations by Third Parties that are beyond the control of ROX Living Joint Stock Company.

2.        ROX Living Joint Stock Company is unable to continuously, fully and clearly update, post and/or display the amended and supplemented contents of these Terms and Conditions due to (i) ROX Living Joint Stock Company carries out periodic or unscheduled upgrades, and maintenance of systems and technical infrastructure with prior notice through methods consistent with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions; or (ii) causes beyond the reasonable control of ROX Living Joint Stock Company, including but not limited to cases where the system and technical infrastructure of ROX Living Joint Stock Company encounter problems due to the error of the service provider of ROX Living Joint Stock Company or the system, the technical infrastructure of ROX Living Joint Stock Company is violated and damaged by viruses, spyware, adware or any act of interference or network attack for any destructive or harmful purpose.

3.        Force majeure events beyond the control of ROX Living Joint Stock Company occur and directly cause loss and damage to the Data Provider and hinder the ability of […….] in the course of performing its obligations to the Data Provider, including but not limited to war or civil strife, natural disasters, epidemics, strikes, lockouts, changes in laws, or other force majeure events as prescribed by law or according to declarations and requests of competent state agencies, regardless of whether these event(s) arise in or outside Vietnam.

4.        In other cases, ROX Living Joint Stock Company is exempted from liability according to the provisions of the law and these Terms and Conditions.

Article 11 .                Terms of Anti-Corruption and Compliance with Laws

During the registration and transaction process, the Parties (including officers, employees, agents, related persons, etc. of each Party) commit to always complying with the law, including the Law on Prevention and Combat of Corruption (such as not giving/receiving bribes, embezzlement, and corruption), and the Law on Environmental Protection; taking full responsibility before the law; and compensating for damages to related parties (if any) when violating the agreement in these Terms and Conditions.

Article 12 .                Enforcement Terms

1.        These Terms and Conditions are established, governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.

2.        In case a dispute arises, the Parties have the right to request a competent court according to the provisions of the law to resolve it.

3.        For any contents not specified in these Terms and Conditions, the Parties agree to comply with the contracts and written agreements related to the registration and transaction that ROX Living Joint Stock Company signed with the Data Provider/Data Subject, according to the regulations of ROX Living Joint Stock Company and legal regulations.

4.        These Terms and Conditions take effect from the date the Data Provider signs and confirms Agreement.Th





As the Data Provider, I/We have read and understand the Notice of Protection and Processing of Personal Data and the Personal Data Protection Terms and Conditions. I/We hereby agree and consent for ROX Living Joint Stock Company to be allowed to carry out personal Data Processing activities as specified in this Notice Letter and Personal Data Protection Terms and Conditions. I/We declare and warrant that I/We, to the extent required by relevant Vietnamese laws, have achieved the necessary conditions to obtain the consent and authorization of all individuals whose Personal Data has been, is being, or will be disclosed to ROX Living Joint Stock Company before declaring, providing, or sharing such Personal Data with ROX Living Joint Stock Company so that ROX Living Joint Stock Company can carry out Personal Data Processing activities as set forth in the Notice Letter and Personal Data Protection Terms and Conditions without the need to take any further action.


ð Agree.​